
Friday, August 20, 2010

Dave Welch Trounced in On-Air Debate

Dave Welch, the notorious executive Director of the Houston Area Pastor Council (the organization that said Annise Parker shouldn't be mayor of Houston because she is a lesbian (and the organization Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Bill White fundraises for) debated Cristan Williams the Executive Director of the Transgender Foundation of America about the Nikki Araguz case.

Despite the clear bias of the FOX news anchor Cristan did a wonderful job, which you can see in the video below. Perhaps the most telling question asked was the poll on the channel's website "Should Transgender or Transexual people be allowed to legally marry?" Not "People of the same-sex?" or "people of the opposite sex" but anyone, should they be allowed to marry anyone at all. Encouragingly FOX new's viewers seem to be more compassionate that it's anchors, the current results of the poll: 94.1% Yes, 5.7% No, 0.2% Not Sure.

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